All You Need To Know About Led Grow Lights

Indoor plants under grow lights

LED bulbs have a full color spectrum. Therefore, they are usable for specialty purposes such as illuminating indoor gardens. Full spectrum means that the bulb emits light across the entire visible spectrum hence nearly similar to natural sunlight. Such LED lights promote photosynthesis and therefore indoor plant growth thanks to near perfect natural light mimicry. […]

Read this before buying LED light bulbs for Your Home

An image showing a living room and dining area

Your curiosity matters It’s encouraging that you are curious about embracing LED bulbs for your home. Hopefully, reading on the merits of LED bulbs in this article will make you intentional about purchasing them and be led to become an evangelist, pun intended. LED bulbs are synonymous with high energy efficiency – higher light output […]

9 Reasons Why You Need a Lighting Designer

An AI generated image about lighting designer

Architectural design of residential and commercial spaces can be a taxing and exciting process at the same time. How taxing? Incorporating all the fine details that clients spell out. Still, it’s an exciting process if a built environment professional imagines how the excellent designs shall meet a client’s desired aesthetics. Lighting design is a critical […]

Do You Buy Light Bulbs the Wrong Way? How Read Technical Details on a Light Bulb Box

An AI generated image of a light bulb information

Intending to buy a light bulb is a forthright task. However, walking into a store and facing many types of light bulbs quickly makes the task somewhat complicated. This is unsurprising given that light bulbs have undergone a tech revolution from incandescent to light-emitting diode (LED). Let’s explore how the process of selecting and buying […]